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DronaHQ offers a low-code platform designed for the swift and effortless development of internal tools and operational apps. Addressing the need for custom applications, dashboards, admin panels, portals, and other internal tools crucial for business operations, DronaHQ caters to developers, citizen developers, product managers, and business teams seeking quick and straightforward app building on existing data sources.

The platform encompasses essential features such as a drag-and-drop UI Builder, Ready connectors, Rule Engine, User Management, Multi-platform layouts (Mobile & Web), Pre-built UI components, and App Templates, allowing users to assemble apps within minutes. Users can further enhance their applications by adding custom scripts, connecting to various data sources or REST, GraphQL, SQL, gRPC APIs, and hosting on-premise. DronaHQ provides SAML SSO capabilities.

The comprehensive platform covers app building, cloud hosting, user management, real-time deployment, and maintenance. With ISO 27001 and SOC II certifications, DronaHQ is widely trusted by global IT leaders, Applications Heads, CIO teams, Solution Architects, and Digital Heads. Many of the world's largest organizations leverage the DronaHQ platform to build applications, enhancing customer experience, achieving operational excellence, and driving digitization.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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