Find Best Screen Sharing Software for Your Business

We help you find the right Screen Sharing Software for your business.

Screen Sharing Software

Screen Sharing Software:

Screen Sharing Software is a software that is used to share the screens of the computers of the  presenters and meeting participants with other computers of participant or projecting devices. The easiest way for promoting immediate collaboration, anywhere at any time is screen sharing.
Collaboration as well as support can be made as visual and interactive as it would be in person by screen sharing. A design, document, or website can be presented exactly as it displays on your screen by screen sharing. A live video feed of what is happening on the computer screen of a person can be shared with other participants of the web conference. Screen sharing software comes in a few different mode. Some are part of broader video conferencing tools where as others can have remote access that allow for users to hand off desktop control, so IT professionals can make changes remotely. This Remote Desktop feature is not offered by all screen sharing software.

Uses of Screen Sharing Software:

  • Screen Sharing Software can be used for a wide range of practical applications such as video conferencing, web meetings, web presentations, webinar presentations, customer support interactions, gut check on a design with a colleague, remote technical support, and training purposes. A number of different user management options are also available.
  • Screen Sharing Software can be used as an archive as both video and audio can be recorded, either together or separately. A record of the screen sharing session can be kept that can be useful for new trainees or people who were unable to make it to the session.
  • Screen Sharing Software can help building better teams and in turn better businesses as there will be better collaboration and better communication among the team members by sharing the same screen for a project. This will help increasing efficiency, creativity, and higher productivity.

Points to be considered while choosing a screen sharing software include:

  • The Screen Sharing Software should come with ease of access for participants. There should be no requirement for any installation and should provide web access to access the device from anywhere at any point of time and can be used across devices.
  • The software should allow the presenters and participants to mark up the screen.
  • Collaboration features such as presenter-switching, joint annotation, co-browsing, and collaborative document editing should be there.
  • Support features like remote access is very useful if using screen sharing is for customer support.
  • Screen Sharing Software should be able to automate tasks like scheduling sessions and uploading recordings.

Benefits of Using Screen Sharing Software:

There are several benefits of using a screen sharing software. This include:

  • Screen Sharing Software helps building a strong relationship between team members and other stakeholders by increasing engagement with your ideas and information. This help development of stronger connections and better understanding between colleagues and clients.
  • The ability to share screens with participants in different locations can save up on travel costs and become more time efficient.
  • You can schedule screen sharing sessions easily by just inviting participants from your contact list and also can manage and control access permissions of each user.
  • Online meetings can be enhanced as there is no need to download any extra files. There is no need to email a copy of the PowerPoint to every attendee, or dropping a file in the web client. Attendees can then just follow along by watching the screen.  
  • Screen sharing can be utilized to offer training programs with clients for a product demonstration. With screen sharing you can show how to use specific features of the product and also can show the clients what exactly need to be done in any kind of issue.

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