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Teleport is an identity-native infrastructure access platform used by engineers and machines to access and protect
all your infrastructure.

Phishing proof zero trust can be provided by Teleport by replacing insecure secrets like passwords, tokens, and keys with true identity based on  security modules and biometrics. Connectivity, authentication, authorization and audit can be  consolidated into a single source of truth by the open-source Teleport Access Platform for access policy across your entire infrastructure to deliver a frictionless developer experience. VPNs, shared credentials, secrets vaults and legacy PAM solutions can be replaced by Teleport to improve security and engineering productivity. A self-hosted version is offered by it that keeps access and data within corporate networks.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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If you are in search of alternatives to Teleport, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Teleport alternatives.