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Officekit is a HR software solution that can be used by small to large companies for efficient and hassle free human resource management. It is fast, easy to use and your daily complex HR processes can be simplified as human resource management can be automated. All Hr admin essentials and modules are covered with activities of employee management. The onboarding process can be made easy by choosing the right candidate for the right job with a personalized recruitment management process. The efficiency of the recruitment and onboarding process can be increased with less paperwork. All the HR work can be strategized by automating the administrative task like leave and attendance management. Your entire payroll process can be managed under a single system. Any rules in payroll can be configured based on payroll components and statutory compliance. ESI, EPF, LW and PT and any government compliance can be generated. All the core HR work can be handled under one system.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Officekit, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Officekit alternatives.