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Corporater is a software solution that can be used by medium and large organizations to digitizes and aligns their Governance, Risk and Compliance program with Strategy. Governance, management, and assurance of risk, compliance, and performance across the enterprise can be enabled. It integrates GRC with how customers run their business by measuring, managing, and driving performance. The risks such as fraud, data theft, security threats, privacy breaches, and non-compliance can be monitored and managed that could negatively impact your enterprise performance objectives. The risk and compliance management solutions of Corporater can be fully integrated into a performance management solution. A Business Management Platform (BMP) can be offered that enables organizations to seamlessly connect the areas of governance, performance, risk, and compliance (GPRC). The strategic, tactical, and operational layers of your business can be linked to eliminate silos, and drive business outcome. Executives and employees will be able to make sound, timely decisions with the information flow.

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