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Franchise Management Software

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Up-to-date listing of Franchise Management Software to assist you throughout your software selection and purchase journey.

Franchise Management Software:

Franchise Management Software is a software that is used to streamline operations such as forecasting, statistical analysis, sales order, warehouse management and communication throughout a franchised corporation.
Many aspects of network operation can be automated. The policies, procedures and checklists can be seamlessly integrated into the daily workflow of team.
The software will help you increase sales and provide higher customer and franchisee satisfaction levels. Full reporting and visibility can be provided for Franchisor and Franchisee management.

Features and Benefits of Franchise Management Software:

The Franchise Management Software has several features that can benefit the user in many ways to grow their business. Some of these include:

  • Information about stores can be recorded, purchases can be automated, and orders can be managed throughout the franchise.
  • Franchisee details can be managed along with the outlet info form a single place.
  • Purchase orders can be placed by the franchisors based on inventory levels and connect directly to the supplier chain.
  • Dealing with stock shortages or blowouts becomes simpler as you and your franchisees are fully aware of demand and supply conditions. This way your supply chain can be optimized.
  • Engaging marketing campaigns can be created, automated, and tracked. It make sure your franchisees are always in the loop for a new product launch or a sale announcement.
  • Email templates can be created and also can be re-used whenever required.
  • It can assist your franchisees proactively to improve their financial performance. Access can be provided to a shared portal where they can record operating costs, sales, and other critical numbers.   
  • Weekly and monthly activity reports can be generated to compare the performance metrics of each store with the others in your network.
  • You can easily see what is happening within your franchise network with dashboards as all the information from performing and underperforming franchisees to real time reports on revenue and sales can be provided.
  • As the apps you build or install are automatically available on iOS and Android devices, you will be able to update resource info, approve book requests, and connect with members on the go.
  • The software will assist you in keeping your list of franchisees and all communication with them in one centralized place b the help of Franchisee Management Module.
  • Active franchisees and franchise agreement renewals can be tracked.
  • Management of territories awarded and anniversary dates can be easily managed.
  • The franchisor always knows the 360 view of what has been communicated with the franchisee as logging calls, emails, events or tasks can be done by any support person.
  • All trainings can be assigned or completed along with all tickets from that franchisee or any tasks assigned to that franchisee in one view.
  • Counts by year charts, system summary charts, and much more are available in dashboard.
  • The roll-up reporting of data and collection of royalty and other fees from franchisees can be improved as the process of submitting financials can be simplified with automatic or manual royalty calculations at the franchise unit level or area rep levels.
  • Royalty invoices and customer invoices can be created by the user within the software and these invoices can be pushed to QuickBooks eliminating the need for dual entry for both franchisor and franchisees.
  • Multiple support channels can be integrated, frequent tasks can be automated, and key metrics can be tracked, reducing the time and effort required to support franchises.
  • Simple self service, automation of frequent tasks, such as ticket assignment and closure, detailed reports of key metrics to track, analyze, and improve efforts, secure help desk for your support, instructional videos, manuals, and step-by-step procedures to integrate multiple processes, updatable FAQ for repeated tasks, reduced franchisee and employee training and retraining, easy introduction of best practices and reduced error and interruptions are some of the Franchise Support features provided by the software.

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