Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is the process of resolving disputes, disagreements, conflicts, claims, or arguments between parties.

Updated: December 8, 2023

Dispute resolution, also referred to as dispute settlement or conflict resolution, is the process of resolving disputes, disagreements, conflicts, claims, or arguments between parties.

Both commercial and private law firms as well as personal situations uses dispute resolution which can be applied to a variety of disagreements between individual. Dispute resolution is typically used as an alternative to having a judicial office or court decide the resolution of the claim or disagreement.

Employment, Business, Personal injury, Family, Neighborhood, Housing, Consumer and Environmental are the types of disputes usually associated with dispute resolution. Dispute resolution is also used among the United States Federal Government to assist government employees and private citizens in resolving their conflicts, such as matters of contracting, workplace and employment. HR case management software is used by Human Resource professionals to track employee interactions and monitor any incoming questions, complaints and issues.

Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation are four types that the involved parties consider to conduct dispute resolution the proper way.

Resolutions can happen quickly and stress for both parties can be reduced with dispute resolution. Dispute resolution costs less and is more flexible than going to court when litigation is not the chosen method. The relationship of both parties can be preserved by improving the method of communication.