Conversion Goals

Conversion goals are website goals that requires a user to take a specific action, like making a purchase or submitting a form.

Updated: November 26, 2023

Conversion goals are website goals that requires a user to take a specific action, like making a purchase or submitting a form. A company can learn more about their customers, find new ways to succeed, and identify where to make improvements with website conversions.

There is no way to know if goals have been reached if conversion goals are not measurable. These goals should also support the overall website objectives of organization.

Marketing analytics software is often used by organizations to manage, evaluate, and control these marketing efforts and measure the performance of these goals.

The type of conversion goal for an organization likely depends on their industry and the kind of website they have. Purchase, Form submission, Sign-up, Clicking a button, Create an account, Content shares and App installs are some common conversion goals.

Smarter, data-driven decisions, highlight website improvements and optimize the website for better performance are some benefits for organizations that track different types of conversions and establish goals. You need to consider basic elements like design, development and content when establishing the right conversion goals. 

An organization should know what success looks like, keep it simple, understand the audience, make the offer clear and use the right call to action to ensure the goals are as accurate and well-defined as possible.