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Code Enforcement Software
Explore best Code Enforcement Software for your business.
Code Enforcement Software:
Code Enforcement Software is a software that is used to maintain records, schedule inspections, issue notices and track violations to assist government organizations in enforcing compliance with the municipal code requirements. Vital functions such as planning, permitting, licensing, inspections and code enforcement can be manged in one centralized system using the software.
Features and Benefits of Code Enforcement Software:
Some of the features of Code Enforcement Software that provide benefit to the user include:
- Custom documents can be auto-created for Code Enforcement and dates, information fields, fees, notes and photos can be inserted by Document Manager.
- Photos can be attached from desktop or the mobile device webcam can be used to take pictures within your Code Enforcement case.
- Templates can be created for your processes with custom steps, due dates, requirements and checklists by the help of Workflow Manager.
- All your Code enforcement work can be completed in the field by the help of Mobile Inspections. All cases, violations, documents and plans can also be viewed from your device. The enforcement officers can access and update property records from the field in real time through a mobile device such as a tablet. Notes can be taken and a violation or certification notice can be issued with attachments through tablet, directly from the field. So, there is no need to return to the office to manually enter the data collected on paper forms in the field.
- As the digital forms are available to residents on your website, it eliminate the need of paper processes and the need for residents to file applications in person. Significant time and work is saved for employees as the records are filed and acted upon quickly by digital Landlord Registration, Certificate of Continued Occupancy, and Vacant Property Registration forms available online.
- The communication silos and delays can be eliminated as all records are associated with the relevant property and are immediately searchable across all departments.
- Notes and images can be taken and attached within each profile of a property that will help the employees keeping their colleagues informed of work status in real time.
- Custom report templates can be created to auto-run and distribute using the data you have collected in Code Enforcement by the help of Report Generator.
- The parcel activity, contacts and details are stored in the location record. The updates from an assessor or GIS dataset are automated by the help of Location Manager.
- Colleagues and clients can be notified about case initiation, due dates, expiration, status changes and payments due by the Alerts and Notices feature of the software.
- Your list of violations can be defined to be used in Code Enforcement. Report, promote to cases, upload photos and add corrections, all can be done by the help of Violations feature.
- The software streamline offline business processes by centralizing data and knowledge on a single platform, saving significant time and resources.
- Workflows can be customized to simplify communication and scheduling by using this software.
- Productivity can be increased and time can be saved for employees by assigning tasks, scheduling inspections and updating constituents on the status of their applications or complaints through automated processes. The saved time can be utilized by the employees to do other critical tasks, and respond quickly to the needs and concerns of residents and property owners.
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